Group touting popular conspiracy theories organizing in Kelowna

A new organization has formed in Kelowna around common conspiracy theories and they are hosting a town hall Nov. 2 featuring a controversial speaker. Kelowna Citizens Safety Committee carries the same basic themes as its Kamloops counterpart with the same name, with both groups claiming...

Group touting popular conspiracy theories organizing in Kelowna

A new organization has formed in Kelowna around common conspiracy theories and they are hosting a town hall Nov. 2 featuring a controversial speaker.

Kelowna Citizens Safety Committee carries the same basic themes as its Kamloops counterpart with the same name, with both groups claiming so-called "15-minute cities", or "smart city planning" is an effort from the government to control residents.

Kelowna’s committee had a booth and handed out pamphlets at the rally against sexual orientation and gender identity education — or SOGI — rally at the Sandman Hotel last weekend but said they do not want to be associated with the anti-SOGI rally.

The committee declined any formal interview, citing yet another conspiracy theory.

“By their sensationalizing, lying or twisting words to their own agenda... the legacy media industry has almost destroyed itself, leaving many from the public jaded about all media now. We are no exception,” the committee said in an email.

“We are not with SOGI or the rally, so please do not mention that. Next time we are just going to put a table up at shopping centres and handout downtown,” it said in an email.

READ MORE: New Kamloops group promoting conspiracy theories is gathering followers

The pamphlets included a number of unfounded concerns about 15-minute city planning such as: “Why is the answer more government control? How soon are self-driving cars coming? Will residents be forced into 15-minute Smart City zones?”

15-minute city planning is an effort to make essential services within walking distance for residents. The goal is to ensure there is education, medical services, work and other important amenities within a 15-minute walk or bike from people’s homes. No one, anywhere in the world, has declared that people must remain in these areas.

The guest speaker at next week’s rally, Geoff Snicer, equates sustainable development to full government control using information from the U.N. He gave a presentation at the Kamloops Citizens Safety Committee on Oct. 21 and has made a circuit on fringe right wing organizations like Action4Canada.

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