iN PHOTOS: Natural beauty abounds on a walk along Penticton shorelines

Avid wildlife photographer Jodi Forster has been finding an abundance of colourful flora and fauna along the shores of Okanagan Lake and the Penticton Channel on her morning walk routes this month. “Where I live in the Okanagan, it only takes me five minutes from my door and...

iN PHOTOS: Natural beauty abounds on a walk along Penticton shorelines
Avid wildlife photographer Jodi Forster has been finding an abundance of colourful flora and fauna along the shores of Okanagan Lake and the Penticton Channel on her morning walk routes this month. “Where I live in the Okanagan, it only takes me five minutes from my door and I’m on the Okanagan lakefront and the channel pathway,” Forster said. “At this time of the year I’m up and out the door by 5:30 a.m. and usually there's just me and my bird pals out there.” The channel is a seven-kilometre waterway connecting Okanagan Lake to Skaha Lake and is home to numerous species of brightly coloured birds. “I’m curious about everything in nature along my route, it's a special place to live. Photography helps me to really see what’s out there.” If you have photographs of nature along your favourite routes in the Thompson-Okanagan region, send them to To contact a reporter for this story, email Shannon Ainslie  or call 250-819-6089 or email the editor . You can also submit photos, videos or news tips to the newsroom  and be entered to win a monthly prize draw. We welcome your comments and opinions on our stories but play nice. We won't censor or delete comments unless they contain off-topic statements or links, unnecessary vulgarity, false facts, spam or obviously fake profiles. If you have any concerns about what you see in comments, email the editor in the link above. SUBSCRIBE to our awesome newsletter here .