iN PHOTOS: Kamloops photographer brings colour to dreary winter days

A landscape photographer in Kamloops is doing something different with his camera these days. Lorie Cook is making artistic photos using food colouring and water drops. “It can get dreary at this time of year so I came up with something creative to do,” Cook said. “Right...

iN PHOTOS: Kamloops photographer brings colour to dreary winter days
A landscape photographer in Kamloops is doing something different with his camera these days. Lorie Cook is making artistic photos using food colouring and water drops. “It can get dreary at this time of year so I came up with something creative to do,” Cook said. “Right now I’m enjoying it, it’s a great way to get me out of the winter blues.” Last month, he started taking close up shots using a 100 mm macro lens that can focus five inches away from a subject. He’s focusing on water drops he makes using a variety of ingredients. “For the liquid I’m using, I’m mixing up xanthan gum, it’s for baking and it gives a texture and makes stuff a little more dense,” he said. “I add a bit of half and half cream and some water, then put food colouring in it. If it’s just water the photos are clear and blah.” He adjusts the contrast and exposure and adds a little bit more colour to the photos for a bit of extra enhancement. For a couple of his photos, Cook injected water with a syringe filled with craft paint and for a few others he photographed two water droplets colliding. “I’m just really having fun and learning about my new lens, I’m not sure what creative ideas I’ll come up with next.” To contact a reporter for this story, email Shannon Ainslie  or call 250-819-6089 or email the editor . You can also submit photos, videos or news tips to the newsroom  and be entered to win a monthly prize draw. We welcome your comments and opinions on our stories but play nice. We won't censor or delete comments unless they contain off-topic statements or links, unnecessary vulgarity, false facts, spam or obviously fake profiles. If you have any concerns about what you see in comments, email the editor in the link above. SUBSCRIBE to our awesome newsletter here .