iN PHOTOS: Okanagan, Kamloops having snow much fun

Love it or hate it the white stuff has finally hit the valley bottoms in Kamloops and the Okanagan with inches of it piling up on recreational trails, lakes and ski hills. Residents old and young are finding many ways to celebrate the snow this season, from fat biking to cold plunging...

iN PHOTOS: Okanagan, Kamloops having snow much fun
Love it or hate it the white stuff has finally hit the valley bottoms in Kamloops and the Okanagan with inches of it piling up on recreational trails, lakes and ski hills. Residents old and young are finding many ways to celebrate the snow this season, from fat biking to cold plunging to simply enjoying making snow angels. Here are some fun shots of outdoor enthusiasts embracing the snow. We would love to see photos of you enjoying winter activities, please send them to . To contact a reporter for this story, email Shannon Ainslie  or call 250-819-6089 or email the editor . You can also submit photos, videos or news tips to the newsroom  and be entered to win a monthly prize draw. We welcome your comments and opinions on our stories but play nice. We won't censor or delete comments unless they contain off-topic statements or links, unnecessary vulgarity, false facts, spam or obviously fake profiles. If you have any concerns about what you see in comments, email the editor in the link above. SUBSCRIBE to our awesome newsletter here .