THOMPSON: No one deserves shaming more than Americans about guns

  OPINION “What the hell is wrong with you people?” It’s not a question asked of Americans visiting Canada at the border. But maybe it should be. Folks, it is time for shaming. No one - repeat, no one - deserves shaming more than Americans about guns. Last week in Texas, Americans...

THOMPSON: No one deserves shaming more than Americans about guns



“What the hell is wrong with you people?”

It’s not a question asked of Americans visiting Canada at the border. But maybe it should be. Folks, it is time for shaming. No one - repeat, no one - deserves shaming more than Americans about guns.

Last week in Texas, Americans saw the second worst mass shooting ever in a school. This time…another elementary school…mostly fourth graders. Nineteen children - 8 to 10 years old - and two teachers…all gunned down by an 18-year-old boy with a AR-15-style weapon with a  high-capacity magazine.

There are more than 400 million guns in America…a nation of 331 million people. It is long past time that we started laying blame at the feet of those who deserve it. Republicans…those elected…and those who vote for them are killing children and adults…and it needs to stop.

I know Canadians have a reputation for being nice. But do me a favour - when you meet an American visiting here this summer - ask them, and don’t clean it up. Don’t apologize, don’t you dare. Look them in the eyes and plead for an answer in a tone of incomprehensible disgust.

For years, Republicans have blamed everybody and every cause except for those truly responsible…themselves. “Oh, it’s mentally ill people,” claim Republicans. Sure…you have to be mentally ill to do such a thing. “Oh, it’s kids playing violent video games,” claim Republicans.

The 18-year-old shooter in Texas had no history of mental illness. He had no record of playing video games endlessly. He lived in Texas…where Republican legislators promised they would consider more extensive background checks on stranger-to-stranger gun sales after 23 people were killed and dozens more were injured in a racist attack at an El Paso Walmart in 2019. Then, a few weeks later, a gunman killed seven people and wounded 22 others while driving through Odessa and Midland.

Instead, what Republican legislators did was cave to the gun lobby and pass a law last year that allowed anyone 21 years old to openly carry a gun without a license or permit.

You know, the problem with Republican bullshit is just that…it’s bullshit. Other countries have mentally ill people. Other countries have kids playing violent video games. But no other country kills people with guns like America, “WE’RE NUMBER ONE!”

You have to be in a country at war…say, Ukraine…to be at higher risk of being killed than just living in America. Really, what more has to happen my fellow Americans? Do we need to start showing the photos of the carnage, dead kids splattered with blood? The Republican Religious Right had no problems showing gory abortion photos to get their way…but standing up for the unborn rather than those actually living has long been the way of the Right.

Tell me, Republicans, you who have fought with indecent deceit every reasonable effort to solve the problem of guns and murders in America…all because of personal greed…what will it take for you to do the right thing?

Gun deaths are as much a fixture of American life as baseball and apple pie. More than 1,600,000 people died from guns - murders and suicides - from 1968 and 2021. That’s more than all the soldiers killed in every U.S. conflict since the American War for Independence in 1775.

Republicans have lied about gun control - something they’re good at - for years. They claim Democrats and Liberals are coming after everyone’s guns. Bullshit. Where’s the proof? No one but Republicans using scare tactics have ever said this. Republicans lie about voting and elections, they lie about racism, they lie about abortions, they lie about…everything! You know, having no character is a serious character flaw!

So, what is the solution from Republicans after this most recent shooting…Ted Cruz advises they build schools with only one entrance and exit. That should make fire drills interesting.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott - a Republican - says we need more guns. Yeah, when you have a fire, throw more fuel on it. Gov. Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio talked about China…China?

Of course, they all read from the same stale prepared statement they read from every time people die from guns…”shocking” and “horrific” and “thoughts and prayers” and of course, “now isn’t the time to talk about this.”

Yes, this comes close to a rant…so what? Don’t like it…defender of the Republican cult? Write something defending your bullshit logic and actions. You see, I actually get outraged when innocent children die…and some people not only do nothing…they stand in the way of decent people trying to do the right thing.

Just 21 weeks into 2022 and there have been 213 mass shootings…a mass shooting is when four or more people are killed, not counting the shooter. After every shooting, there are thoughts and prayers. Thoughts and prayers are fine…but it’s time for Americans to do something…even if it takes shaming them.

Let’s state some facts. Three percent of Americans own 50 percent of the guns. That’s not just people who hunt or collectors. You think white supremacists own lots of guns? So, like money in America…guns are concentrated in the hands of the few. Sound like a democracy?

Some 7,500,000 Americans adults became new gun owners between January 2019 and April 2021…just over two years, according to a study in the Annals of Internal Medicine. That means another 11,000,000 people, including 5,000,000 children were exposed to guns in their homes.

About half of the new gun owners are women…and 40 percent are Black or Hispanic. My guess is that Republicans probably don’t like so much that women and people of colour are becoming gun collectors…the hobby of American men…white men.

But, really it’s all about the money. America has the best government money can buy…with Republican Senators and Representatives getting fifty times as much money in campaign contributions as Democrats. The NRA, Remington, Smith & Wesson, Glock…are among those with deep pockets.

Democrats don’t get a free pass on protecting people either…grow some balls and fight for what’s right. Throw Joe Manchin to the Republicans where he belongs…and start running Democrats for offices who resonate with decent Americans.

Consider that the world gun market is worth $600,000,000,000 a year. Yeah, that’s billion. The U.S. thirst for guns sucks up more than half…$306,000,000,000 a year. Again, yeah, that’s billion.

Look, this summer when you’re asking visiting Americans, “What the hell is wrong with you people?” When they try and explain…put up your hand to stop them…and say, “Let me help you. You need to vote for people who care more about your kids than about the money gun lobbyists fork over to politicians.”

Canadians know bullshit when they hear it, and speak truth to power.

— Don Thompson, an American awaiting Canadian citizenship, lives in Vernon and in Florida. In a career that spans more than 40 years, Don has been a working journalist, a speechwriter and the CEO of an advertising and public relations firm. A passionate and compassionate man, he loves the written word as much as fine dinners with great wines.

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