iN PHOTOS: Kamloops photographers bask in cotton candy skies

For a brief but phenomenal moment last night, the colour spectrum showed off some of its most vibrant possibilities in the skies above Kamloops. Local clouds were turned neon pink and orange by the sun’s bending rays while bright blue skies behind them created a strong contrast during...

iN PHOTOS: Kamloops photographers bask in cotton candy skies

For a brief but phenomenal moment last night, the colour spectrum showed off some of its most vibrant possibilities in the skies above Kamloops.

Local clouds were turned neon pink and orange by the sun’s bending rays while bright blue skies behind them created a strong contrast during a sunset Jan. 28.

In addition to all the pretty colours, photos taken by Thompson Nicola residents were composed to include the familiar architecture and landscapes of Kamloops and Sun Peaks Resort.

READ MORE: Here's why Kamloops and Okanagan sunrises and sunsets are often so spectacular

Weather isn’t expected to be as calm looking ahead, as Environment Canada issued a statement advising of a snowy weekend in the B.C. Interior.

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